
Ron Wince


Pragmatic AI in Pharma

Ron Wince explains how Pragmatic AI allows organizations to start with the basics, create immediate business value and ROI and then increase adoption as their comfort, capabilities and confidence increases.

Croom Lawrence and Kent Groves


Connecting the 5 Spheres of People-Based Marketing

From persistent identity to cloud marketing driven by AI, managing holistic experience is now the hallmark of brand leadership. Croom Lawrence and Kent Groves explains how people-based marketing plays a key role.

Paul Sullivan


Can Realistic Training Devices Help Make a Blockbuster?

Realistic, multisensory training devices can contribute to a drug’s reception in the eyes of both patients and healthcare practitioners, writes Paul Sullivan.

Josh Reisberg


Beyond the Merits: Generic Company Defense Strategies

Josh Reisberg outlines the foundation of a broad, overall defense strategy for generic companies embroiled in Hatch-Waxman patent infringement litigations.

Brenda Gleason


Value-Based Purchasing for Prescription Drugs Takes a Leap Forward in State Medicaid

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) are commitment to support value-based purchasing (VBP) of prescription drugs in Medicaid, despite headlines of CMS’s rejection of a Massachusetts request to make changes in its Medicaid prescription drug benefit.

Filip Conic


Pathways to Potential in Europe's Pharmerging Markets

Filip Conic outlines the market-access approaches and commercial strategies to unlock the growth potential in the Southeastern and Eastern European region.

Patrick Ladbury, Oliver Childs


Patient Communications: Why Pharma Leaders Should Think Like Social Marketers

By exploring how social marketers think, pharma can unlock tried-and-tested ways to bring measurable value to their patients, writes Patrick Ladbury and Oliver Childs.

Sharad Bijanki


Early-Development Strategy for PTE in Biologics Given Unknowns in the Law

The importance of early development strategy and planning for biologic patent term extension.

Kevin J. Slatkavitz


A Seat at the Strategy Table

How navigating compliance risks requires so much more than policies and procedures.

Wills Hughes-Wilson


Patient & Customer-Centric Commercialization

Outlining a real-world example in which building and operationalizing a patient- and customer-centric commercialization strategy drove a successful launch from a “standing start.”

Birgitte Volck


Patient & Customer-Centric Commercialization

Outlining a real-world example in which building and operationalizing a patient- and customer-centric commercialization strategy drove a successful launch from a “standing start.”

Alan Raffensperger


Patient & Customer-Centric Commercialization

Outlining a real-world example in which building and operationalizing a patient- and customer-centric commercialization strategy drove a successful launch from a “standing start.”

Micheal Binns


Early-Development Strategy for PTE in Biologics Given Unknowns in the Law

The importance of early development strategy and planning for biologic patent term extension.

Jane Reed


Traditional Scientific Search is Broken

Using AI to revolutionize research inefficiency. 

Raman Sehgal


EMA Relocation Countdown: Some Industry Viewpoints

Raman Sehgal talks to three industry leaders for their insights on the challenges faced across the life science sector and how the EMA needs to respond.

Alison Horstmeyer


The Key to Better Navigating VUCA Industry Conditions

Alison Horstmeyer discusses how pharma executives can apply four attributes of curiosity to negotiate VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous) conditions and improve organizational outcomes.

Edward Pratesi


Does the Pfizer Restructuring Make Sense?

The Pfizer restructuring will be a case study in whether corporate restructuring & innovation can co-exist or whether M&A is the more viable answer, writes Edward Pratesi.

Sydney Rubin


Five Measures to Cope with the Side Effects of Health Reform

With more than 8 million Americans now signed up for health insurance through state health exchanges, The Affordable Care Act (ACA) has begun delivering benefits and new insurance protections to a large swath of Americans, many of whom had no health insurance before.

Tim Wright and Antony Bott


Pharma AI Requires a New Approach to Governance

Artificial intelligence adoption by pharma companies in the UK demands a new, agile governance layer, write Tim Wright and Antony Bott.

Nicholas Lakin


Optimizing the Digital Opportunity in Biopharmaceutical R&D

If advanced technologies hold the key to at least some of the productivity issues R&D organizations need to overcome, Nicholas Lakin asks what are the best strategies and operating models for exploiting these aids to their fullest potential.

Casey Hibbs


Hitting Your Targets: A Check-up on Data

Provider data delivers insights into customers and drives decisions about where to focus resources, providing opportunities for sales and marketing in life sciences.

Selwyn Stein


3 Cash-Saving Hacks for the Pharmaceutical Industry

A list of four ways the pharma industry can save money on travel-related employee expenses regarding VAT on clinical trials, clinical trial supplies, sourcing, and more.

Dara Price-Olsen


Hitting Your Targets: A Check-up on Data

Provider data delivers insights into customers and drives decisions about where to focus resources, providing opportunities for sales and marketing in life sciences.

James Leech


Cross-Border Funding in the Life Sciences

Record capital flows across global public and private markets has opened up new channels of investment in early-stage and novel science.

Erik Cruz


‘Emerging’ Product Launch Strategies

Commercial leaders can boost product launches with a data-driven roadmap.

Daniel Patrick


What Issues Are Top of Mind for Smaller Biotech and Emerging Biopharma Companies?

Daniel Patrick discusses the small biotech company journey from an incubator of ideas to the ability to shepherd an R&D asset through its pipeline to achieving commercial success.

Dana Weiss


Linguistic Validation: Amplifying the Patient Voice

Designing and managing clinical outcome assessments on an international basis is more than a translation task. It requires the more discrete practice of linguistic validation, writes Dana Weiss.

Katherine Graham-Leviss


Leading Courageously and Bringing Others Along In an Evolving Healthcare Environment

To be successful, healthcare organizations must delve into optimizing leadership skills and building a deep pipeline of executive-ready talent.

Robert E. Ward


CEO Spills the Secret to Attracting, Retaining Biotech Talent

One of the most important jobs of a biotech executive is building a strong team that will not only keep a company competitive in the current market, but will also have the stamina to carry it into the future.