
Mel Walker


A Brave New World: Optimizing Access in Wake of COVID

The top changes necessary in planning and designing pharma market access plans, including a revamp of the payer-value equation at pivotal points in the product life cycle.

TruTag Technologies, Inc.


The Future of Medicine is Smart

This white paper describes how digitizing medicines can drive patient engagement, reduce non-adherence, and enhance supply chain visibility.

Brenna E. Jenny


In DOJ Crosshairs: Rethinking Commission-Based Deals With Independent Contractors

Pharma companies should review their commission-based compensation arrangements with independent contractors to address enforcement risk under the Anti-Kickback Statute, in light of recent Department of Justice enforcement.

Ed Shankman


The Value Cornerstone: Bridging the Pharma Marketing Gap

Brand positioning that targets HCPs is often irrelevant to the payer mindset. Fortunately, market access teams have an option, writes Ed Shankman.

Bill Barr, Carl Hart, and Zack Blacker


Foundational Questions in Data Reporting, Analytics to Meet Reimbursement-Directed Marketing Goals

Measuring the relationship between a product’s reimbursement position and performance begins with gathering key data points for as many products as possible.

Dan Schulman


Staying the Course: Double Down on Launch Agility

In today’s fragmented commercial environment, navigating a more complex set of challenges while adapting new approaches to product launch is critical for biopharma brand teams.

Arturo Loaiza-Bonilla


Health Equity Barriers in Oncology Trials

Overcoming persistent barriers to health equity in oncology trials will require innovation and cooperation.

Srini Rajamani


Leveraging Technology for Pharmaceutical Commercialization

With AI/ML and cognitive technologies set to become a key enabler of the pharma commercialization process, Srini Rajamani outlines how pharma companies can leverage tech effectively.

Linda Mayer


How to Conduct More Impactful Patient and Caregiver Advisory Boards

Looking to hold an advisory board? Here are a few suggestions.

Michelle Sims


Three Ways to Close the Urgent Talent Gap

The industry has struggled to recruit talent for years, and the challenge is only getting more difficult. Pharma companies need to recruit differently.

Datacubed Health


Patient Experience Breakthroughs: Leveraging the Latest Digital Tools and Techniques to Optimize your Patient Experience Goals

Learn how breakthrough patient experience strategies can help achieve your study goals in this upcoming webcast. Lead by renowned neuroscientist and behavioral economist Dr. Paul Glimcher, it’s the one webcast this year your team can’t afford to miss. Live: Tuesday, May 19, 2020 at 1pm EDT | 12pm CDT | 10am PDT On demand available after airing until May 19, 2021.

Sonia Fiorenza


Recruiting and Retaining Talent Is the Biggest Challenge Facing the Pharmaceutical Industry

Recent increases in employee burnout and turnover must be addressed.

Gagen MacDonald


Flip the Script

Life sciences transformations rarely fail because of what was in the plan. They fail because of what was not. Explore five trends that will determine their success in coming years.

Sean Winslow


The Challenges of Worker Qualification Management in Pharma

Life sciences companies uniquely tasked with meeting continuous and complex compliance-reporting requirements.

Ann Taylor, MD


A Generational Opportunity for Talent Pipeline Development

COVID-19 creates a unique chance to refocus STEM strategies.

Nate Wible


How to Connect with HCPs More Effectively

Regardless of engagement mode pursued, personalization is the key.

Fiona Huzarski


Recruitment Lessons from the COVID-19 Pandemic

Fiona Huzarski outlines four key recruitment lessons that pharma can take from the coronavirus crisis and use to move forward and thrive.

Mark Corbae


Crisis Communication Plans in Pharma

The pharmaceutical industry must have crisis communications prepared now to anticipate unforeseen events—especially those that impact public trust.

Sabine Hain


Clues on Equity Engagement Levels

A survey of 18 biopharmas, measuring their scope and implementation across key health equity dimensions and activities, uncovers useful context as companies seek better alignment of these goals with overall strategy.

Courtney Billington


Restoring Hope in Mental Illness Is a Collective Mission

The importance of equitable approaches to diagnosis and treatment.

Peter Madrid


The Promise and Peril of AI in the Physical World

The use of artificial intelligence (AI) in drug development has been hampered by issues that have caused a gap between AI’s potential and its full utilization in this space.

Claus Møldrup


Action Through Engagement: Alleviating COVID Concerns in Patients with Underlying Conditions

It’s important that care for people with pre-existing conditions or at risk from serious diseases does not fall by the wayside.

Manjit Singh


Better Supply Chains Can Better Tackle Threats to Public Health

To effectively combat the looming threat of antimicrobial resistance, we must prioritize working together to strengthen and more responsibly manage global supply chains.